Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday night at the Gardens

So anyone who is likely reading this knows that I'm in love with our local Botanical Garden. In fact, after going to the Garden in Hot Springs, I'm wondering if I might be in love with all Gardens. Having no ability to grow anything myself (save the occasional weed . . . and mildew), I guess I'm drawn to all those spaces. And just being outside is wonderful!

I had seen that the Gardens are open late on Tuesdays and Thursdays all through August and September AND you could bring your dog! So Flash, thinking this might just be the best day of his life, joined us for a picnic supper and playing in the garden tonight. It was great fun. If anyone else wants to go, I don't think this will be our last "cocktails and dog tails" event. Let us know!

This just summarizes Caroline right now. Happy to romp around.

Catherine and Daddy enjoying the picnic. I'd love to tell you that was a carrot in her mouth. But it's a cheeto. A baked one, but a cheeto, none the less.

Just thankful Caro put down her milk long enough to let Daddy take this.

Not quite tall enough to be Bert

Gig em!

There was a dulcimer group providing music and they were awesome! This lady let Catherine play with these little puppets that "tap danced" to the music. She thought it was so fun!

Daddy and Caro dancing to the bluegrass tunes

Caroline just about to convince to me to adopt one of these adorable pups. She would just giggle when they licked her. It was like double the cute with the dog and the kid. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER DOG. Just reminding myself.
Here is how Caroline would look with her head on the body of a small white dog.

And here's how Flash would look


  1. What a fun thing to do!! You guys are just FUN! and I love you all. :D
    Peaches the Aggie shirts!!
