Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April happenings

My aunt Rosey (and you've never met a woman with a more fitting name!) famously once said, "I don't have Kodak moments; I have Kodak hours." Well, I think I'm starting to get it. I'm having Kodak hours these days. Maybe even Kodak days. Or months. Or years. Wait, isn't Kodak pretty much bankrupt? Oh well, I'll use the expression until no one I'm talking to remembers. Yes, I am starting to say things that make me feel . . . well, old.

Catherine likes to talk about how old all her friends are. She'll say, "I'm two, Caroline's one, Alice is three, Luke is four." And then she'll ask me. I tell her "31." Her eyes just get big. Like that's a number so big she's never even heard of it. (An aside, when she counts past ten, it usually goes "eleven, twelve, firteen, fourteen, eleventeen." Her math teacher mama is working on that . . .) She also regularly calls me, "A very very big girl." And she told me that I had a "nice big bottom" last week. This kid thing is humbling, really.

Anyway, so back to the Kodak hours. Here are a few pics of April around here. Ciao!

Daddy and Catherine on Easter

These are "capri pants." They touch my feet.


Caro watching Sister play peek-a-boo
Do all kids like to play under the table? Mine do. And they always end up whacking their heads. Every time.

Stomp rockets are so fun!

It's like a zoo around here.

This lovely lady made a nest in one of our shrubs. I can't wait to see the babies!


  1. she is ALWAYS thinking......she amazes me.

    Already thinking about when I can come back for a visit.

  2. Next time I see you I'll tell you two stories about Isaac's impressions regarding the difference between me and Big A's "chests"...
