Photo - C's four month birthday celebration. On her changing table. Favorite place!
The greatest thing about starting the blog up right before the computer crashed was that starting up the blog made me think about baby pictures. Which reminded me that I should probably back them up on the external hard drive. So we didn't lose our record of these first few months with little C. So thankful for God's mercy on that one!
Since my last post, lots has happened. C turned four months, I turned 29, C had a check up and C has started solid foods. She seems quite keen on eating from a spoon. It's messy, but she's lovin' it! Mom is quite hopeful that getting some solids in her tummy during the day might help her make it through night-time a little better without getting hungry. Oddly, all the "experts" say this doesn't work. All the moms I know say it does. Hmmm.
Lovin' that oatmeal cereal!
Flash and C love tummy time together!
Isn't being four months old great? Welcome to the new world of TOYS!
I don't care when you blog just as long as you do it!! Go Heather!
ReplyDeleteYay!!!! Yay for an amazing son who is a computer whiz, yay for a beautiful, capable daughter in law who is a very, very good mamma....and Yay for Baby C.......I LOVED seeing all these pics of her, and I cannot wait to see her smiling self. Has anyone told you today that she is adorable??? Well, she is. Love you all three, and give some hugs and kisses from Peaches!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! So, is she liking the oatmeal cereal better than the rice cereal?