Well, the baptism post will come soon, but, when you have a five month old, the death of a bumbo is quite newsworthy. Especially because it was destroyed . . . spectacularly.
It started with a photo shoot. Pretty spring day, cute little baby in a spring sweater, great new camera we're still breaking in. All good! Since C can't quite sit up on her own yet, I had her sitting up in a bumbo (the great little foam "baby holder" as my friend Betsy so eloquently puts it). When she started to get fussy, we scooped her up to take her inside. We left the bumbo. In the backyard. With Flash and Bandit. Did I mention it was foam?
Well, fast forward thirty minutes, and bumbo was in a thousand lavender pieces, strewn across the backyard like little wildflowers. My mom actually found it and corralled the parts before I could take a picture. That's how it goes these days. When the dogs destroy something, my first thought is, "Man, this will be funny later. I should take a picture." It's useless to be mad. Besides, can you really blame them? (True, I might have been more upset if I hadn't bought the bumbo in question for $10 at a consignment sale...)
Tales of two dogs and a baby . . .
Flash in the camera is larger than he appears.
Here is one of the last pictures of the baby with the bumbo. There won't be any more.
And here is the bumbo. Say what you will, this is impressive...
And this one is just cute. We won't get any more like this until she can sit up on her own.